Friday, July 25, 2008

George Kastanza

Oh my goodness! Do you guys remember that old poster of George from Seinfeld???? The funny one where he's posing in his underwear with his socks on . . . anyway, it's hilarious . . . and these pics totally remind me of that picture. And being the Seinfeld fans that we are, these pictures are even more hilarious. :) If you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, it's all good . . . cuz they're stinkin cute either way!!!
This was taken during our nightly bathtime ritual, which we affectionately call the "Baby Spa." It's part of Abby's new daily schedule (sooooooo excited that -- our days are finally a bit predictable), and involves bathtime at 7ish, followed by baby massage, lotion, and all-around baby pampering. Then bedtime at 8! (Yes!) She loves her baby massages, and it's actually the one time of day she doesn't fuss during tummy time. I also have to brag . . . Abby started sleeping through the night the week before I started back to work, and has been sleeping through the night since then!!!! I pray that this continues smoothly, though I of course expect some hiccups. In the meantime, I am reveling in her 8pm-6am sleeping pattern. Thank you, Lord!!!!!!!!!!! That was a HUGE answer to prayer!!!

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