Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Random Favorites!

These are some of my latest treasures from the last 6 weeks or so -- they are precious! 1) our little one is OBSESSED with books! She has a ton of different toys surrounding her -- but what does she make a bee line for????? BOOKS. She gets a super big grin on her face every time we start reading to her . . . but even if we're not reading them, she is content just to flip the pages over and over. :) 2) OK. That is soooooooooo her Daddy's face -- wrinkly nose and all. They bond like that. HAHAHA. 3) This is my latest fave. I had just gotten her up from a nap for lunchtime and was getting ready to take her sleeper off she wouldn't get food all over it . . . she was looking up at me with this smirk. Combined with the bed head -- it was too hilarious!!!! I'm so glad the camera was nearby . . . before she started screaming for her food! 4) I just love this one because it shows how completely tiny she is/was. This was just after she turned 7 months, and though she has grown a TON since then, she is still pretty little. Precious.

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