Sunday, July 12, 2009

First Trip to the Zoo!

Abby loves cats and dogs, so we thought for sure she'd LOVE the zoo. We were right! We had a fabulous day at the San Diego Zoo with grandma and grandpa. Though naptime intruded on our day and cut it short, Abby saw enough animals to decide that she adores giraffes, likes snakes (ahh!), and thinks monkeys and otters are pretty darn silly. :) We will be returning in short order to visit Mama's favorites -- elephants, polar bears, and panthers. Oh, and lions too.

This gorilla is waaaaaay scarier than the one above! And it's a female (born in 1965). Crazy!

This is Abby marveling at a 15 ft anaconda. Scared the heeby jeebies out of me!

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