Saturday, September 19, 2009

New Additions

WARNING: Lots of new PINK additions! :) Abby's favorite color is actually orange (no kidding) -- she pickes out orange clothing all the time. And she ALWAYS has to color with an orange crayon. Always. But, her room is still pink and black . . . so when I asked my friend Kristin to paint some artwork to liven up a lonely wall, it of course had to keep with the pink an black theme. And, I asked for one of Abby's favorite zoo creatures -- a giraffe. How cute is this???

I was so excited to finally get it -- and I think I talked Kristin into starting up a business. Between this one and another painting she did for her own daughter, it's just too cute not to sell!

The next addition, as you can see below, were some adorable glittery pink Converse. Ahhhh! They're so cute I can't even stand it! :) And Abby adores them, even if they aren't orange. She giggles when she sees them and then runs and runs and runs!

Lastly, and this isn't quite a new addition, but Abby has been obsessed shoe dress-up lately. Hilarious! She finally figured out how to put on the below high heel (oddly enough, they are glittery too AND were my wedding shoes!) and walked around the house for the longest time. She gets soooooo frustrated when the shoe falls off or she trips, but is determined enough that she puts the shoe back on and keeps going. Enough to make her shoe-loving mama very proud! :)

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