Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Saturday of Fun

A few weekends ago, we had a great Saturday. It all started with the discovery that Abby's hair was long enough for pigtails!!!! Woohoo! She looks so big, especially as she rocks herself in her new rocking chair. :) We then decided to take advantage of a beautiful morning by sqeezing in another trip to the zoo. As you may have seen, we went to the zoo last month with Grandma and Granpda -- but Abby was dying to see the pandas! haha. Or maybe Mama was dying to see the pandas . . . either way, we were rewarded with up close views of the panda eating and then climbing a tree. Awesome!

To end the day, our dear friend Brooke came over to play Wii and have some dinner. Abby has decided that Brooke is simply awesome and just couldn't get enough of her.

So, between pigtails, pandas, and pretty friends, Abby had a particularly perfect day. Ha!

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