Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Birthday Part 2: Breakfast with "Mama and Papa" and Children's Museum

We were so excited for Abby's birthday this year.  We had it all planned out: Legoland on Friday, family time on Saturday, Disneyland on Sunday and Monday.  How fabulous does that sound, right.  Full of anticipation, even Jim and I went to bed early on Thursday.   The next morning, Abby awoke . . . with a COLD! :(  Ahhhhh!  The best laid plans of mice and men. . . ugh.  This obviously brought all of our plans to a screeching halt. 

Despite her cold, however, she was still in a happy mood so we made last minute breakfast plans with Mama and Papa (aka Grandma and Grandpa).  We went to our favorite diner, where Abby was at least able to enjoy her favorite breakfast (pancakes and sausage).  While there, Abby received her first birthday present of the year:

She looooooooooooooves her babies right now and was pleased as punch with the latest addition to her "family" :)  Thank you, Grandma!!!

After breakfast, we took one look at sleepy-eyed child opted to skip the all-day Legoland trip.  (Bummer!)  We ended up heading down to the San Diego Children's Museum -- this was actually an awesome second choice!  This was Jim's first trip there, and he had a fabulous time exploring the exhibits with her.  On the other hand, I had a fabulous time because there were TWO adults on this visit.  (If you remember right, our first trip to the Museum involved me running around after Abby non-stop.  It was crazy!)  The museum was pretty empty on this particular Friday, and Abby was free to enjoy the textures, sights, and sounds at her own pace.  it was glorious!  If you're in the area and haven't been, it is a definite MUST.  

We came home from the museum just in time for a snack and naptime.  While waiting her her food, Abby relaxed for a few minutes on the couch -- while watching Finding Nemo, of course!!!

We laid pretty low throughout the weekend so Abby could get her rest, but finally ventured back out on Sunday.  Seaport Village is one of our favorite San Diego destinations -- between the boardwalk, shops, restuarants, park, weather, and people-watching, it's a perfect spot for an afternoon adventure.  (We even had our last round of family pictures there!)  Thus, we wrapped up the first weekend of birthday celebrations with perfect weather, a stroll in the park, and all around fun in the San Diego sun. 


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