Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Birthday Part 3

Yay!  I'm finally catching up on all the birthday madness of March :)  This year, we had planned to keep her birthday pretty small (after all, she doesn't really know the difference, does she?).  My idea was just to have a family dinner.  Jim agreed. 

But THEN . . . Daddy soon revealed his determination to get his girl a GIANT jumpee.  "Ok," I said, "but if we have a jumpee, we have to invite a few of her little friends to enjoy it, too!"  After that, we decided we didn't want to cook or clean.  So we added taco cart catering to the party list.   As you can see, our idea of a small and simple party quickly was raised to the level of "pretty small" and "slightly complicated." LOL.  But it was great fun!  All in all, we had our family there and just two of Abby's little buddies (and their siblings) :) 

Everyone, especially Abby, enjoyed the Nemo theme.  We decorated in orange and blue everywhere . . . orange and blue balloons, orange and blue cupcakes, orange and blue party favors, and a Nemo jumpee . . . even Abby's outfit was a perfectly planned orange tutu with the cutest blue top you have ever seen! 

Okay, that WAS the outfit I brought for her to wear.  But once she got sweaty in the jumpee and dirty with the sidewalk chalk, we opted for the Nemo play clothes :)  And that little bow in her hair just would NOT stay straight with all the jumping and running around she was doing!  She is a busy 2 year old, for sure!

Eleana is just 4 months younger than Abby and as cute as a button!  Joseph is her energetic (seriously energetic -- as all little boys should be!) big brother .  . . . for those of you out-of-town that know her, these are Anna and Freddie's munchkins.  :)

Rylee was Abby's second little friend enjoying the party (and the monster truck!).  For those of you who know Kristin, this is her daughter.  Kristin and Rob's son, Jaxon, was also there but he was bouncing so hard in the jumpee that I didn't get a good picture of him.  Rylee is also just a few months younger than Abby -- and she has GREAT hair! :) 

Abby has moved on from pie and is officially obsessed with cake.  Ugh.  I was trying to avoid this!!!!  But, I did have fun making color-coordinated cupcakes for her :)  Abby started her 2nd birthday cake eating experience on a high note:

Unfortunately, Daddy let her dive (literally -- notice the blue frosting on her forehead!) into that second cupcake . .  . and this child does not get a lot of refined sugar.  After a few minutes, it took its toll:

Seriously. I thought she was going to puke for a few minutes there!  LOL. 

The above picture is a horrible way to end your summary of the celebrations, but that really is the last snapshot I managed to get.  It was hard to keep taking pictures since it was non-stop action (fun action, of course, but still non-stop) and Abby was getting increasingly close to naptime.  After cake, we quickly went to open her presents -- and let me tell you, this was definitely a fun year for gifts!  Her most favorite was the kitchen set from Natalie :), followed closely by the pinwheel (aka "Flower" in Abby speak) from Rylee and Jax.  Once we got home and everything settled down, she fell in LOVE with the baby doll that Eleana picked out for her.  Abby rocks the baby, gives it the pacifier, and makes sure it's safe and warm.  It's too cute!  

Whew!!!  That was a lot of birthday celebrations!  And I am so happy to be caught up with my blogging :)  Even better -- next year's birthday blogs will include pictures at our NEW house. YAY!  And once again . . .

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ABBY!!!! You are an absolute delight to everyone you meet and I can't wait to see what this next year will bring :)

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