Sunday, May 16, 2010

It Was An Egg-cellent Day! :)

Wasn't that title just so stinkin' clever!?!?!  :)  As you no doubt, guessed the subject of this blog is: EASTER!  I'm a bit late as always -- but my blog motto is, "Better Late Than Never!" so it goes with the theme.  :)

My family has always celebrated Easter on the Saturday prior since it was always at our house and all our family would come down from Los Angeles.  Saturday is a much easier travel day than Sunday -- not to mention church on Sunday.  Though the huge party doesn't happen too often any more, the Saturday tradition has stuck and we LOVE it.  It spreads out the Easter fun, allows us to focus on the REAL meaning of the Resurrection on Sunday, and makes for an all-around relaxing weekend. 

All that to say, my parents had an Easter Egg Hunt luncheon on Saturday afternoon (thanks to Grandma for scheduling it before naptime!).  The weather was absolutely perfect -- I know, I know, such a shocker here in SoCal -- and we could barely contain Abby long enough to hide the eggs and wait for a few friends to arrive.  (Thanks to Tricia for having an egg hunt at daycare, Abby was well aware of the fun awaiting her!)  

Okay, fun, yes -- but it was also serious business.  As you'll see below.  Abby was absolutely determined to find as many eggs as she possibly could.


Quite literally, she lost her head over these little eggs . . . see?  It was buried somewhere in those huge bushes of Grandma's yard!

Abby's little basket got to be so egg-laden that she couldn't even carry it any more!  Instead, she began to use it more like a cane than a basket.  She would put the basket on the ground, take a few steps, and then swing the basket with all her might until it was just in front of her, where it would plop to the ground with such force that all the candy and coins would jingle loudly . . . then she would take a few steps more and the whole process repeated.  She was bound and determined to get to the next egg as quickly as possible, but would aboslutely not let go of that basket!!!


She enjoyed the taste of victory and relished in it by counting her eggs over and over and over.  :)  (The focused look above is her concentrating hard on her numbers.)  Thank goodness she didn't figure out the that the taste of the candy in the eggs was quite good too -- we managed to avoid that for at least one more year!!!!  For now, the delight in brightly colored eggs was more than enough.

The simplicity of plastic eggs, beautiful weather, and family to share it with . . .  
that, my dear friends, is a beautiful thing. 

We hope your Easter Saturday and Sunday were just as enjoyable!

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